In today's dynamic world technology can be exhilarating, but if it is not protected it can become a liability.  Luckily, Bandit Systems takes the worry out of keeping data and networks safe.  As experts in encrypted data transmission, Bandit ensures its customer's networks are operating with the latest encryption standards (including 4096 bit RSA and 256 bit AES) and bullet proof firewalls.

Bandit's encryption keeps networks secure

Bandit's encryption keeps networks secure

Encryption Vs Passwords

Strong passwords are a good start, but even good passwords are susceptible to "brute force attacks".  Instead of hard-to-remember passwords, Bandit employs automated encrypted authentication with cipher keys which are impossible to break and handled automatically by the system. It is estimated a supercomputer would take approximately a 1.02 billion years break a 128 bit AES encryption by brute force, and there are more key possibilities for 256 bit AES encryption than there are atoms in the known universe.


Keeping Networks Secure

Off-the-shelf camera systems from big box stores not only lack the image quality and functionality associated with business-class hardware, when accessed from remote (outside the internal network) they require holes to be opened in the network's NAT and firewall (protective shields that keep malicious traffic out).  These holes make networks vulnerable to attack and can be used to exploit internal systems such as financial programs, document files, and passwords, and allows the hacker to deploy malware. Bandit's encryption technology keeps networks water-tight and secure from mischief so that only those with the proper cipher keys are allowed through the encryption door.

A Network Breech can result in stolen information and more breechs in the future.

A Network Breech can result in stolen information and more breechs in the future.

Real-life Hacking Attempts

Hacking systems is significantly more common than most people know.  Below are two access logs from just one day of hackers attempting to infiltrate Bandit's servers, all unsuccessfully.  With encryption, brute force attacks do not work.  Bandit always recommends installing systems with encrypted access and intact firewalls.

Four hackers trying to breach Bandit's servers in just 90 minutes, all unsuccessful.

A persistent one - using a script to rapidly guess user names (Reverse Brute Force Attack).  Again, Due to an encrypted portal, unsuccessful.

Objectives Of Common Attacks

  • Installing malicious spyware/malware on network computers to capture passwords and sensitive information
  • "Ransomware" - preventing a target from using their computer by encrypting their hard drive until a ransom is paid.
  • Commandeering computers to use as zombies in Denial of Service Attacks (note: a new DOS attack utilizing a botnet of zombie computers was estimated to occur every two minutes by the end of 2013).

Bandit's use of secure firewalls and encrypted access fully protect client's internal networks and CCTV systems from outside attacks.  Additional limits on login attempts and other tools provide even more security.